Contact Us

Your education is the passport to your future. Let us guide your journey to studying overseas


ASFM Consultancy Limited, in partnership with Dr. Elizabeth Adey of University Direct Limited, are UK based companies with an office in Chandigarh, India.

We offer a bespoke service to guide students interested in studying abroad and will tailor our professional services to meet your unique needs. For example, our specialities include:

  • advising prospective under-graduate and/or post-graduate candidates regarding international study opportunities.
  • mentoring, guidance and support throughout the entire application process
  • assistance with choosing universities and the admission process
  • assistance with a personalized Statement of Purpose (SOP)
  • visa requirements specific to the country of your choice


Our experienced team of Education specialists represent a wide array of top universities worldwide. We are well-versed in the admission requirements of each university and will provide realistic and concrete advice. Teaming with us will significantly enhance your chances for admission to a university or educational institution that is right for you. We can also guide regarding course selections, and future career opportunities, to put you on the right path to success.


Our goal is the make the entire process as stress free and seamless as possible for you and your family. We recognize there is no one size fits all model and we pride ourselves on offering a personalized and student-focussed approach. We commit to working closely with each student on a one-to-one ratio. This is at the heart of what we do best.

Your future is in your hands and the first step starts by contacting us. Your success is our success and it would be our honour to be your personal guide on this educational journey to successfully study abroad. The adventure begins now.